256-760-9515 info@shoalshabitat.org

Volunteer Opportunities

Signing Up To Volunteer Is Easy!

There are many ways to get involved and volunteer with Shoals Habitat for Humanity.

Volunteers are the heart and backbone of Habitat

Time and time again, our community has demonstrated its generosity through countless hours of volunteering. Through this collective effort families have been able to move into their very own homes – Thank You Volunteers!

We have the following Age Restrictions for any volunteer under the age of 18:

Must be supervised on a 1:1 ratio Must submit a release and waiver of liability for a minor signed by a parent/legal guardian prior to performing any volunteer activity Must not be on-site during construction Can paint, landscape, perform other light duties and help with site support Must not work on/with excavation, demolition, power tools or at heights above 6 feet
Must be supervised on a 3 youths: 1 adult ratio Must submit a release and waiver of liability for a minor signed by a parent/legal guardian prior to performing any volunteer activity Can assist with general construction/carpentry Must not work on/with excavation, demolition, or power tools Must not work at heights above 6 feet or on the roof

Start Here to Volunteer!



Lucas Berry

Resource Development Coordinator

(256) 760-9515 ext. 4



Reach Us

PO Box 3135
Florence, AL 35630

Affiliate Office


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